Neuerscheinung September 2010!
Sripad BV Sadhu Maharaja is neither a scholar nor a teacher in the common sense. As a former king of Munger he decided one day to give up all power and wealth to search exclusively for pure love of God, prema. Meanwhile he traveled through South America and Europe radiating love and kindness with every step he takes. Seeing real beauty everywhere and in everything he unites people from different backgrounds on the basis of loving understanding and relationship on the platform of the soul. His humble and sweet nature shines like a brilliant light into this world, being thus a wonderful example for everybody who comes in contact with him.
Compiled by Govinda Priya d.d.
Foreword by Krishna Chandra das
Taschenbuch, ca. 256 S., 6 Farb- und 13 SW-Abbildungen
In englischer Sprache
ISBN: 978-3-942066-02-0
Preis: [D] 10,00 €
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